Tuesday 19 June 2012


Yep, I've decided - exams are mean.

They gang up on you and attack you with evilness and force you to revise so much that you can hear your xbox screaming "play me, play meeee!" And you feel horrible for leaving it unplayed, its like you can feel the tears pouring from the disc tray :'(

And another point, exams make you tired. I've had three in the last week, two on the same day (and it was a friday - anticipations of staying up late and actually ENJOYING the weekend were thrashed as I fell asleep by eleven).

Exams are also mean because revision has led Finn to be locked inside his house, unable for me to see him! (okay maybe not locked in as such, but we can't see each other until next wednesday - the day of our last exam - which is hard because I miss him). If we didn't have exams, there wouldn't be this problem :(

So yeah, exams are mean. Maybe I should blame the government for making me take the exams, rather than the exams themselves? Its not as if its their fault that they're being taken?

Right then, new policy - the Government is mean!

There going to charge me £25 to resit an exam and I have to resit a minimum of two exams, even if I don't need to, thus resulting in me paying £50 to resit two exams, one of which I've already passed. Where's the logic? Cause I sure as hell can't find it.

This is why I should have stuck with my plans to go into politics, the country would be a better place with me in charge, especially because I'm ginger;)

Quick news update:
Finn actually has credit! (I know, we're all still in shock) so hes been texting me random pictures of things and I just received one of a massive spider he found in his room -_- I don't like spiders, so my text back was "HOLY FUCKING CHRIST RUN" cause I'm straight to the point like that:)
Dad and Carole got married at the weekend! Dad took her name so they are now Mr and Mrs Falconbridge! It was a great day, although I was knackered after all the dancing at the reception:D and everybody looked gorgeous, especially Carole, her dress was beautiful, and the bridesmaids all looked lovely:)

That's about it then folks, over and out;)xxxxxx<3