Saturday 29 September 2012


That's right guys, I'm now officially 16!!!! ARRGGGHH!!!

Yesterday, 28th September, I turned 16 at 11:33 in the morning :) (I was sat in a History lesson :P)
To celebrate this momentous occasion ;) I spent most of the day at school -_- But I got scrabbled eggs for breakfast and got to open loads of prezzies :3 Mum put in my card a big picture of Halo 4 with "I OWE YOU" in big letters above it, made me giggle :) And she also bought me Limited edition Gears of War, so I now have all of them to go with my Gears of War xbox! WOOP! And a cute iccle me to you teddy with a sweet 16 sash on it :3 So cute!

Got given a wonderful present from Chloe at school, she bought me a bottle of Impulse (which smells amazing!) and some Kinder chocolate XD nomnomnom.
My friend Beth thought she was funny by putting a durex condom in my card ;) top friend I've got there ;)

After school, Finn had arranged to take me out to the cinema and then out for a meal afterwards, but because it's us, we never managed to do that xD Were too awesome to stick to original plans.
So we ended up walking round Tesco and the rest of town, and then getting locked inside McDonalds. It was certainly memorable, I'll give you that ;) I couldn't think of a better way to spend my 16th birthday:)

And he bought me the cutest card EVER! (It was a pop up card and just aww it was soo sweet :3) and he got me some chocolate and Halo: Reach and Batman Arkham City!!! I have a feeling I have the best boyfriend in the world? Not being mushy, but I genuinely do. Much love for Finn <3

But the festivities for my sweet 16 don't end there, oh no:

I'm having a fancy dress party this evening!

It's gonna be awesome, everyone's gonna get hammered and were all gonna look really stupid doing it :D

I'm dressing up as Captain America - but the girl version obviously. The costume's called "American Dream", you should google it (It's the dress with the shield) Although I won't have the shield, I'm getting thigh high stockings instead ;) Looking smoking hot for my party? TICK ;)

Everyone's getting here at about seven-ish, but the girls always come early to get ready and the boys always come late because they won't be able to find my house :P That's just how it works I'm afraid. And everyone's bringing prezzies! That's why I love birthdays ;)

I think I might place bets on who will get completely wasted first, but to be honest that just means I'll be the one carrying them upstairs and tucking them up in my bed, hoping to god they don't throw up :/ CAN'T WAIT!

so yeah, 16 now. Legal for *cough* sex ;) Gained a new legal right, there, but with that comes a responsibility, one that people everywhere dread......

Having to pay full price on a public bus.

That's right, I am now classed as an adult on the buses in my area, but I tend to ignore responsibilities that will cost me more in the short and long term, so for as long as I can, I'm gonna pass for being a child still :) no one must know! SHHHH!

Would just like to thank everyone for my presents and birthday wishes, and in advance because I'll have to bad a hangover to write a post tomorrow, thank you for coming to my party, hope you had a great night ;)

Oh and word of warning - Don't throw up, Don't have sex in my house, and most importantly: Don't fall off the loo and pee on my floor. Comply to these very simple rules, and we'll have a very happy birthday girl :D

Over and out;)xxxxxx<3