Sunday 27 September 2015

Is today important...?


As you can guess, I'm a little bit excited, despite the fact I'm hundreds of miles away from my family and friends. I have friends here though of course, and they are amazing, I'm too lucky, but this is my first birthday where I've been away from any immediate family members and as excited as I am, I'm still a little...anxious? I think that's the word I'll go for. I don't want to be sad on my birthday, so of course I'll maintain a face of happiness, but I am a tad sad and I reckon at some point today a little bit of cry will ensue. Not in public though, Jesus.

On a more positive note, I am buzzing for my birthday. Honest. I have cards and presents already to open from the fam and friends that have either arrived in the mail or the Bae brought them up (cause he was rich enough to come and see me this weekend, what a good egg). So that's gonna be good fun, and then me and the housemates are going out to the SU where they're hosting a rock night so that's right up my street! For once, I'm going to know the music in a club haha :') So tonight's going to be a cracking night! (I've got the Amaretto ready!!)

Now, onto a completely unrelated topic; writing.
In a seminar the other day we had to do some free writing based on a colour; I picked red because its my favourite. I actually quite liked what I wrote (its completely unrelated to me by the way, this was just a random point of view) and so I thought I'd share it on here. Hope you like it.


The sunset was a deep red tonight, the burning embers of the bold star setting fire to the skyline. I was sat up on the hill where we usually meet, watching the scarlet sky dim as the onslaught of night consumed my picturesque view. I'd been here for at least an hour now, waiting for you, despite knowing you weren't going to turn up.

I'd said I was sorry.

You'd said it was okay, but your voice betrayed your true feelings over the phone. I knew better than to be here, but I had to try.

The vibrant yet dense forest behind me had only second ago been filled with life; the birds chirping, the leaves dancing in the breeze, the distant chatter of woodland animals. Now though, it looked empty, silent, a void ready to swallow me up.

If you didn't come soon maybe I'd let it.

(All writing is mine, I reserve the right to beat you up if you take any and claim otherwise, not that you guys would.)

Sunday 20 September 2015

Uni Life Has Begun

I was looking through my blog posts this morning and realised that I haven't posted anything since Christmas?? For an aspiring writer, I'm quite shit at consistently writing.
But that's all going to change, I hope you'll be happy to know, because I made it into university (I managed to get into Winchester!) and I'm on the Creative and Professional Writing course, so I'll be spending most of my time reading and writing, and most of the work I'll do I can post on here, like I started doing last year.
On a more current note, my house (that's right; house, not halls?) is quiet lovely to be honest. Its not falling apart unlike other houses on the street and somehow I've managed to bag the biggest room?! I think its bigger than the living room. I've made it quite homely by putting some posters up and my vast array of soft toys, although dwindled dramatically with the move, are still decorating my bed, matching my red and white colour scheme that I continued into the kitchen. I should totes be an interior designer if this writing lark falls through.
My housemates are amazing. I have honestly hit the jack pot, they are so lovely! And they're such a good laugh too. In the house we've got two boys and three girls - and the added bonus of an extra girl because one of the lads' girlfriend also goes to this uni and she around here a lot, and she's brilliant which is just fab. I can also honestly say that their selfie games are strong because I keep finding new ones on my phone after I leave it lying around.
The actual city of Winchester is lovely, although rather hilly. and by that I mean ridiculously so. Its like living in Sheffield. I'm so used to the flat lands of Hedon and Hull, that coming here and living on the TOP of a hill, where the uni's at the bottom, is just a piss take. Its a twenty minute walk, which is fine, but its so up and down that I'm dying by the time I get anywhere. Hopefully I'll get used to it and I wont have to drink a whole carton of milk every time I get home in an effort to cool down.
Luckily, the main city centre is relatively flat and its basically like a big Hedon, so I'm kind of in my element here. I'm chuffed with my choice of uni, put it that way.
As today is Sunday, the last day of freshers, and tomorrow the lectures start, I'm going to have to do some washing today. I cant really be arsed, but I'm running out of clothes so its a bit of must really. In order to do that though, I have to get out of bed. I've been awake since half 8, but I've been in bed since then, just laid here wide awake. I don't know why I didn't go downstairs, I think I just didn't want to wake anyone else up. They're all up now though, cause I've heard the shower go at least three times, so I think I'm safe now.
