Friday 10 June 2011

Father's Day

Yes everyone, it's that time of year again where every child either forgets or only just notices a week before that it's Father's day and we rely on our mum's to get the presents and cards.

well not this year! I need to get them myself and I have no idea what to get :/

That can't be good.

Hopefully it will okay...I'll just have to snoop around and see what pops up and screams "Your Dad will like this, pleeeeease buy it!"
Even though that would be so cool if that actually happened in a shop, it would still be awkward if it did happen!

I'm probably going to be making a card again. even though I'm 14, Dad still wants the lovingly hand made ones from his little girl, so that's my job :D

Not only do I have Father's day to worry about, but also my Brother's Birthday and I'm terrible when it comes to buying presents for people, especially guys! At the rate it's going to be a jar of Skittle's because I know he likes them! hahaha ooh god I hope not, that would be bad on my part :P

anyways...wish me luck!

over and out :) xxxxxx♥

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