Thursday 22 September 2011


Before I start rambling on, id just like to say sorry for my spelling mistakes and repetativeness for some words in my last blog, I posted it late and I was very tired by that point:)

Anywaaaay.... Birthday plans are made, sleeping arrangements are in place, people are coming to the party (always helps:/) and there are only a few glitches that I know about but knowing my luck, more will most likely occure:/ im just that fortunate;)
In other news, I miss read bad timing of online intervals for lack of communication due to an undiscovered problem that may or may not have happened. It turns out it was the "may have not" side and all is good with bf:D i dont think I could have been anymore of worrier the past week, im still astonished that my friends didnt try to kill me, just so id calm down;) I really did think that id done something to upset elliot and he was just ignoring me, when in actual fact, he'd been trying to get in touch all week! Im a nutcase;) xxxxx
Also, the girl who invited herself, very kindly refused her own offer of turning up with a reason (which she told my friend) of "i dont think i'll bother"
Well thats very kind of you, thankyou for so willingly accepting an non-existant invitation, then turning it down so politely, yeah cheers:/ much obliged:P

Over and out;)xxxxxx<3

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