Sunday 16 June 2013

Shout out :)

This is a very special shout out for a very special person in my life ... Finn :)

He's amazing and he's perfect, he's gorgeous and he's intelligent, he's caring and he's thoughtful, he's funny and he never fails to make me smile and he's all mine :)

His hair is awesome and his smile makes me melt, his eyes sparkle when he smiles and it's so infectious that I can't help madly grinning back at him when he looks at me :)

When he's happy, I'm happy, when he's sad, I'm sad, because we are one and there is nothing better than knowing that my other half is you, Finn :)

You are the love of my life and I want to spend the rest of mine with you by my side, you make me so happy and safe and I don't know what I would do without you :)

I love you more with each day that passes, although I don't know how I can increase infinite amounts of love? :)

The best place I can be is in your arms and its the only place I ever want to be :) When you hug me it's warm and safe, and I can feel how much you love me :)

You complete me, you're the cookies to my milk, the biscuits to my cheese. The master chief to my cortana, the james to my jessie. The doctor to my rose, the rory to my amy. The duck to my pond, the sheep to my field. The sherlock to my watson, the kirk to my spock. The gerald to my barbara, the Finn to my Becky :) I can't live without you!

I want to grow old with you and watch our kids Bruce and Jenny grow up and have their own kids and we can make scrapbooks of our years together and laugh at how great its been, and I can make you a quilt out of our nerd tshirts we've collected over the years and cuddle under it while watching old episodes of Star Trek :) it'll be perfect, just like our love for each other :)

He also has a perfect bum, just saying :D

Shout out to Finn: I love you! With all of my heart! <3

<3 xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo <3