Tuesday 10 April 2012


That's right folks, I've got a boyfriend:D and to be perfectly honest with you, he's amazing:') <3 (and gorgeous, just saying)

He's called Finn and he doesn't actually attend the same school as me, which has its massive downside but small upside-

Downside: we cant see each other all the time, only at weekends and the bus (sorry Finn, "peasant wagon") is at stupid times for me to catch it into town:( but neverless, i'll catch it:)

Upside: when you both attend the same school rumours are spread, people get involved, it gets messy and you eventually break up:( if you take those factors away, nothing (in theory) can go wrong:D

He has an IQ of 151 (he enjoys telling everyone he meets about that and I'm sure he'd bring it up in every conversation if he could xD) which means my boyfriend is the ultimate nerd;) can't go wrong with that can I?

We're into an abundance of the same stuff: films; TV shows; music etc...which I think makes the relationship that little bit more awesome:)

If you're reading this Finn, I'm sure you're checking or spelling and grammatical mistakes, which I can assure you there will probably be plenty of them:P I apologise in advance as I'm using my phone to write this;) hahaha, we're such nerds;D

Oh and by the way guys - happy easter!!! :D

Over and out;)xxxxxx<3

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