Sunday 22 July 2012


It's finally here! It took it's time but it's finally here:)

Yep, you guessed it - The Summer Holidays!

That time of year that everybody within the educational system waits for eagerly, hoping that the term time will simply fly by and school will finish quicker than planned, just so their anticipations for the summer holidays can be fulfilled.

Unfortunately it's only 6 weeks long (a bit to short if I'm being honest) but it's 6 weeks of fun and laziness and that's good enough for me;)

My last day of school was last Friday, which I'm assuming was probably the same for a number of you, and it was rather uneventful. Nothing much happened and it wasn't even a non-uniform day. (We'd had a non-uniform on the Tuesday previously, so I suppose having two in one week may have seemed odd).

I'll never understand one thing though about breaking up for summer:

When everyone says "I'm gonna miss you!" and all that crap. I'm sorry, but no your not. If you knew me well enough to miss me, we would probably be sorting something out during the summer holidays so we could meet up, so therefore you wouldn't have to miss me, and it's only 6 weeks, so trust me; you ain't missing anyone buddy.

But other than that, SUMMER IS GOOOOD!

I don't think I have many plans, apart from the one week that I'm going on holiday with the family (and I'm dragging my best friend Sammy along as well) and were staying on our own private boat for the week! (We've basically hired a yacht that sleeps about 12 people, so everyone's chipping in so its not as expensive, were not rich - we can't afford that shit) It should be fun:) Especially because were bringing my grandmas dog and we've bought him a little doggy life jacket! it's sooooo cute:D 

I'm also hoping to go to Tribfest for the weekend with my friend Lizzie because not only will it be awesome, but our friend's band is playing so we want to see them perform. Lizzie's had the pleasure of seeing them perform live, but I unfortunately haven't so I can't wait!!! Their called Beneath the Darkness, in case you were wondering?

I'll probably be making plans with Finn as well during the 6 weeks, I don't think I'd be able to cope with not seeing him for that length of time, a weeks long enough, never mind anymore than that. He's staying over tomorrow actually, and there is a full proof "plan" which I was happily told about:

Basically, he's gonna bring down his xbox so there will be TWO xbox's in the house, and then hes bringing his Guitar Hero - Warriors of Rock and he'll be playing on it in one room and I'll be on mine in then other, and then we'll join a party with his mates Lewis and Casey and we'll all be playing on guitar hero and rocking out, jut so we can get all the appropriate band achievements needed:) I'm gonna be on Expert Guitar, Finn will be on Drums, Lewis on Bass and Casey singing (Hahaha, that should be funny, I've been told singing is NOT his forté). 

I have most of the Guitar Hero's, a few of the Rockband's (including Green Day!) and the Band Hero's as well. I can play on expert mode on every instrument and I'm awesome:D (I'm only big headed about it because it's practically the only game I actually play on - that and all the Halo's, and occasionally Gears of War)

Oh yeah, may have forgot to mention - Girl Gamer over here! Hence why I'm the perfect girlfriend;) - I doubt Finn will agree but ah well;)

I get my love for gaming from my mum (yep, another gamer girl) who passed on her gaming knowledge to her ever-loving daughter, who welcomed the opportunity to develop the awesomeness that is me;)

I remember my mum telling me once that a friend of hers (I don't remember his name) had said that she was bringing up the ultimate nerds girlfriend, because I'm a gamer, I love all the action movies (hate ALL chick flicks), I watch all the "guy" TV shows and I LOVE the Marvel and DC comics (as in I watch the films and I'll have watched the TV shows etc. I don't actually read the comics though, so I may have to invest in some...) And I'm cute apparently, so there's a bonus;)

Two of my top five favourite films of all time is The Avengers (I paid extra to see the advanced screening when it came out in cinema and I took my mum to see it for her birthday - VIP seating as well;) I've seen it twice since then) and the second one is the latest Star Trek. Chris Pine is nomnom, Just saying. But then again, so is Zackary Quinto. I can't wait for the new one that's coming out next year, I'm such a Trekkie sometimes;)

I hope that all the hard work my mum clearly put into creating the ultimate nerd's/gamer's girlfriend is fully appreciated by my boyfriend;) I'm sure it is:P

....I've just noticed that this post has slowly deteriorated and lost all of it's molecular structure, that is to say, I waffled:)

So I guess that's it for now;) hope you all have a good summer holiday:D

Over and out;)xxxxxx<3

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