Wednesday 15 May 2013

Exam season...again.

Its exam season all over again and I'm really not in the mood.

Fair enough, if I don't do them and pass with the flying colours that I'm targeted, then I'm not getting into college, but at this stage I'm just frustrated and stressed and not being able to see Finn for the duration of the exams is a MAJOR DISAPPOINTMENT.

I can't live without him, and yet for the next FIVE WEEKS I apparently have to? Not for me thanks.

I miss you Finnybobs! :'( <3

In more happier news though, Me and Finn (before being heartlessly ripped apart from each other) we went to the nerdy conventiony thing that happened in town the other week.


There were loads of differnt nerdy-geeky stores that had stands to sell the merchandise and there were quite a few people dressing up as various characters from films and TV shows. there was this seriously bad Iron Man who's helmet was about three times the size it should have been and he was wearing red leggings. Funniest thing ever.

I bought a movie reel that framed and all that for £25 for The Avengers Assemble movie. I was going to get Iron Man 3 (which I took my mum to see on the day it came out, which was on her birthday like I did last year, it was awesome!) but Finn noticed teh Avengers one so of course, that had to happen. The only problem is, were to hang it in my room? It goes with my Spiderman 2 one, but the lack of wall space due to my multiple posters is causeing havoc.

Finn bought me an Iron Man Tshirt and Star Trek glass which has Uhura plastered across it on one side and the Enterprise on the other. Its so cute, because he has a matching one with Nero on it and his massive Romulan ship just chilling there :)

Finn bought even more comic books, what a surprise ;) <3

There was even someone relatively famous there! ;) The guy who plays the predator and the blue alien thing form Prometheus was there, holy crap he seven foot one! SEVEN FOOT ONE? absolutely mental, he was huge. Thought it was CGI in Prometheus to make him look that tall? Well it clearly wasn't because holy crap he was huge. It cost £10 to get a signed picture and couldn't be arsed with that, so I just stared at him from a distance like a top creep, with Finn going "why don't you ask if you can get a picture?" me: "nooo, he's so big!"

Hahaha, I'm so wierd ;)

By the way, I do apologise for not posting in ages, I just never get the time.

I have twitter now as well, not to post or anything, just to stalk high class nerds like Wil Weaton and his wife Anne :) Who I am extremely jealous of right now because they got a picture with Nathan Fillion (who I am also following!) and he was carrying Anne and Wil was stood looking sad - best picture I have ever seen!

I am also stalking a load of other actors from my favourite TV shows and films and it's great fun :) god I really am strange haha :P

Other news, I went to see the new Star Trek the other day and holy crap on a cracker it was awesome! I cried. Twice. Finn was there to catch my tears though, the cutie ;)

Bye for now!
Over and out;)xxxxxx<3

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