Sunday 29 December 2013

Tis the end of 2013

My last post was a rant, but I can promise you that this one won't be! ...hopefully ;)

It's that time folks, NEW YEAR! Well not quite yet, but a few days and it will be :) we've had Christmas and mine was fabulous by the way, I hope you all feel that same way about yours :) I successful managed to buy everyone a Christmas present (and they were pretty good if you ask me) and I received some brilliant gifts of my own too :D my mum got me the new phone that I asked for (nexus 5 - very posh, very expensive *insert snooty posh-twat sort of snort of derision at my amazing phone being better than yours*) and Lego marvel on Xbox 360 :D AND she bought me the second Skulduggery Pleasant book in hard back (the English version!) Because its the only one I didn't have in hard back!!! She also got me various other things that I'm very chuffed with :) I'm sooo spoilt, and I love it ;)

Finn (my super-amazing boyf) bought me some lovely prezzies including the Sherlock season 1 & 2 box set!! How happy was I when I opened that you ask? Oh very! :D he also bought me this awesome doctor who poster to add to my poster filled walls and a K9 keyring (omg its so cute!) And a Halo UNSC T-shirt that has my gamer tag on the back :D and lots of chocolate and fluffy socks and slippers and arghh I love Christmas and I love Finn! :D I bought him various things as well of course but my main prezzie to him was a personalised photo calendar that I made on vista print and its got our favourite pictures of us both on each month :) its really lovely and vomit-inducing and just aww at our cuteness :') <3 might make a slideshow on here of some of the pictures ;) make you all feel sick with love and jealousy of ours ;) mwahaha!

Anyway... Mums hosting a new years eve party on Tuesday night so she can use the reclette she got for Christmas and Finn's coming as well! You know what that means...I GET TO SNOG MY BLOKE AT MIDNIGHT! OMG ITS HAPPENING! TICK THAT OFF MY BUCKET LIST KIDS CAUSE ITS HAPPENING THIS YEAR! :D

As you may have guessed, I'm rather happy that I get to spend my new year with him :) <3 (I love you Finn!)

Then on new years day I'm off round to his for some grub :) hehe, its gonna be fun :D <3

The rest of my remaining week off before I'm thrown head first into a bunch of A level mock exams will be spent either doing nothing when I should be revising or being at my dads, because I'm actually going up to see him this week at some point and I'll hopefully be able to see simon as well :) should be good if all goes well :) he's coming down to get me in the car but if he pays I'll happily get the train? ;) it ain't cheap, bitch I ain't made of money! He did ask if I wanted to get the train but I said no because I couldn't afford it, the prices are ridiculous! Luckily I get 20% off being a student, but still :/

So yeah, after all that I get to go back for an accumulation of about 6 hours spread over 4 days of exams at college but my bus comes once a day and I have better things to do than mooch around college for 6 hours waiting for my bus :( I might find somewhere to have a nap, like the stairwell or something. That should totally work :)

So tomorrow I have quite a filled day: asda in morning with aunty Soo, lunch with aunty Soo and grandma then shopping in town with Finn :) spending my Christmas money bitches ;D I'm loaded and willing to shop for once :) its gonna be fun :D and then on Tuesday I'm off out with Sambam and Catherz and I think we might be going to the cinema but I'm not actually sure so that should be good too :)

Well I'm knackered now so I'm off to sleep, also I've ran out of things to say to be fair ;) so goodnight kids, and have a good new year :) don't post any of that "new year, new me" shit - I can't be dealing.
I don't need to be new, I'm perfect as it is ;)

Over and out;)xxxxxx<3

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