Tuesday 9 September 2014

Notices for the past/next few months

Hello all, did you miss me? :D

I must apologise for not posting in such a long time! I have no excuse other than I'm lazy, so deal with it.

A few things have happened since I last posted. I read the last couple just to jog my memory of where my ramblings led you, not quite down the rabbit hole I must admit, but not far off ;)

I finished my first year of college! *cheers from the masses*

The exams were awful to say the least, I didn't revise enough, they were badly spread out (and by badly spread out I mean not spread out at all:/), the people that watch you like hawks during the exam were not only off putting, but close to making me fail. Some loud bitch kept talking to people in the exam and she had jewellery on that made so much noise when she walked anywhere it was like she had a 20 piece orchestra hanging from her neck. Shame they didn't choke her.

I'd say that's an over reaction but I wasn't the only one who noticed her and I know for a fact that more that one student made a complaint against her. I haven't seen her since luckily, maybe the complaints actually worked? That would be a first, I'll be honest.

Anyway, the exams were hideous and I refuse to do them again....oh wait, give it another year and I'll be back here again haha.

So I started the summer holidays off worrying my arse off about exam results, desperate for at least something decent. Something better than a D. Unfortunately that wasn't the case for some subjects, although not the ones I was expecting. Instead of the inevitable U in History, I managed to get a C! How crazy is that?! I thought the exam went terribly, so god knows how I pulled that off. I got a B in English lit/lang so that's not too bad, another C in general studies, although that means nothing when it comes to applying for University. Some accept it as an A level, but most don't from what I've read/heard. I got a D in Creative which I would have preferred to be better obviously, and I got an E in psychology. An E.

I couldn't believe it. That consisted of a D in unit 1 and a U in unit 2. I know that I wasn't very confident when I came out of the exam hall but I wasn't expecting a U :/ Apparently the exam board were extremely harsh this year when it came to grade boundaries, but that still doesn't make me feel any better.

So when it came to re-enrolling at Wyke, Mike (psychology teacher) recommended that I retake AS Psychology along side my A2 subjects so I can improve my overall grade. I agreed with that but I would have rather just resit the exam and revise the content in my own time, rather than resit the entire subject. I suppose I could have said something to Mike, but I didn't see the point. So this year I'm taking AS and A2 psychology, A2 Creative Writing and A2 English Li/Lang. I'm happy with that I guess, can't complain. The lessons so far have been good, and today I had Creative Writing. Jamie (the teacher) is focusing on blogs and I'm quite excited to be honest, it's something I'm extremely familiar with and I love reading and writing blog posts, so hopefully it should be good.

Our first piece of homework is to write a blog post about how our thinking has changed about a subject of our choice. It can be something serious,or something a bit more light hearted, and I have to stick to a word limit of 500 words :/ (I maaay find that difficult?) haha, nahh I'm sure it'll be fine :) I'm mentioning this because instead of making a separate blog just for college related posts, I'm just going to post them on here, so they may not fit in with that rest of my blog and I won't sign off like a usually do, it will probably be a simple, boring sign, if I do one at all :/ So don't be alarmed if over the next few months my blog takes a turn in a different direction.

I'm gonna go for now though guys, my next post will be Creative Writing based, so enjoy that haha ;) 

bye for now!

Over and out;)xxxxxx

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