Sunday 23 October 2011

Half term:)

So we broke up for half term on friday and dad came to pick me ul and take him to his and Carole's house.(its actually Carole's house) and im staying there from friday till tuesday and then were going to Scotland:D im so excited!!!!!!!

Short one today go folks, im a bit tired:/

Over and out;) xxxxxx<3

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Hull fair :D

Hull fair starts this week!!!!! Cant wait:D im going with abbie, danielle, sammy, elliot (i hope) and lizzie:) were all gettin the bus there but gettin our own way back. Im sleeping over at abbies anyway so that'll be easier:P danielles sleeping over as well which should be great fun!!! I just hope I can afford it:L

Over and out;)xxxxxx<3

Saturday 1 October 2011


My birthday was awesome!!! Thankyou everyone who wrote on my wall on facebook and sent me birthday messages!!!! Thanks to people who bought me prezzies;) a BIG thankyou to my mum for my lovely dress and stuff and for feedin my friends on wednesday when the raided the house;) wednesday night was class!! Pozition with emily, ruby, george, josh, hannah and chloe:D thanks for comin guys!! And thanx for the offer of carrying me across the car park and then laughin at me when I fell UNDER the barrier:D xxxxxxxxxxxx

Over and out;) xxxxxxx<3

Thursday 22 September 2011


Before I start rambling on, id just like to say sorry for my spelling mistakes and repetativeness for some words in my last blog, I posted it late and I was very tired by that point:)

Anywaaaay.... Birthday plans are made, sleeping arrangements are in place, people are coming to the party (always helps:/) and there are only a few glitches that I know about but knowing my luck, more will most likely occure:/ im just that fortunate;)
In other news, I miss read bad timing of online intervals for lack of communication due to an undiscovered problem that may or may not have happened. It turns out it was the "may have not" side and all is good with bf:D i dont think I could have been anymore of worrier the past week, im still astonished that my friends didnt try to kill me, just so id calm down;) I really did think that id done something to upset elliot and he was just ignoring me, when in actual fact, he'd been trying to get in touch all week! Im a nutcase;) xxxxx
Also, the girl who invited herself, very kindly refused her own offer of turning up with a reason (which she told my friend) of "i dont think i'll bother"
Well thats very kind of you, thankyou for so willingly accepting an non-existant invitation, then turning it down so politely, yeah cheers:/ much obliged:P

Over and out;)xxxxxx<3

Tuesday 20 September 2011


Its 7days till my birthday today and im extremley excited! The plan is to go to this club in town called Pozition with a few of my mates but some cant come coz of parents and others I dont actually want to come but unfortunatly SOME people talked about it in front of her and now shes invited herself:/ which us extremly rude if you if you ask me! I really need to sort everything out dont I?????

Over and out;)xxxxxx<3

Saturday 10 September 2011

Ive finished:(

Its official, ive finished readin Skulduggery Pleasant 6 - Death Bringer and it was...AWESOME!!!!! Words cant actually describe how amazing the book was:D the fight scenes were class, and as usual the humour was hilarious;)

Now I have to wait till march for the novellette that Derek is bringing out for world book day and then in september for the next actual book:( its the waiting thats always the worst, the anxiety of it all.
Although it could be worse, that could have been the last book that hes bringing out and think then id cry:'( yes folks, im THAT obsessed:/

Over and out;)xxxxxx<3

Monday 5 September 2011


The book is finally here and mum has bought it:D im sooo excited its unreal;) I cant wait to start reading it, im at my dads at the mo so I cant obviously read it, what with it being in hull, and im in middlesbrough!
I wonder if i'll read it quicker than the last book (it took me 15 hours) I hope so!!

Over and out;) xxxxxx<3

Thursday 1 September 2011

New phone!!!

My dad, his girlfriend Carol and her two Daughters got me a phone for my birthday and ive downloaded the app for blogger and now I can post blogs on the move:)
Even though my birthday is the 28th if this month, dads probably not going to see me over my birthday so he gave me my phone early:D im a VERY happy teenager;)

On to other things happening today, skulduggery pleasant 6 has come out and I haven't bought it yet!!! Every time one of the books comes out I ALWAYS buy it, no matter what day it is. But this year, what with me being at lightwater valley all day and then going to dads, I havent been able to:'( but I will get it eventually:)

Over and out xxxxxxx<3

Sunday 7 August 2011


Its official, I am going to Ireland on holiday for 5 days!! i actually can't wait:D I have a slight obsession with Ireland so this holiday is kinder a dream come true x

and on top of that it's my birthday next month!! 15 years old:) prezzies aren't demanded but well recieved;)

and on top of THAT....Skulduggery Pleasant - Death Bringer (book 6) is coming out on the 1st September!!!

I dont think I can cope with everything all at once;) hahahaha this is going to a fun couple of months♥

in more recent news......

I went to my mate Jordann's birthday party last night, and it was awesome:) she sure knows how to throw a party! I didnt get to sleep till about 4:30am, woke up again at about 5:00am then fell back asleep again at 6:30am. I then woke up for the final time at 8:00am.....soooo not much sleep really:P

worth it though;)

over and out xxxxxx♥

Friday 8 July 2011


Ive been crying since the start of lunch today and I don't think ive properly stopped. My best mate Robbie Fox is moving to Wales (well, to be precise, about 10 minutes away from Wales) to go and live with his mum.
so basically, a lot of people have been crying today, and lots of hugs have been passed around, especially by Robbie:)

So sad to see him go, but you can't stop loving a ginger ;)

This is a very special shout out for Robbie. I hope you have a great time near Wales :P, we're all going to miss you!!!!! you best come and visit us all!!!! love ya ;) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx♥

:'( thanks for leaving me in science by the way, now who am i going to sit next to?!?!???? :P xxxxxxxxxxx♥     bye ginge:)xxxx

Friday 24 June 2011


this is a shout out for....................ABBIE CARMICHAEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

omg i love you too much lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

over and out :) xxxxxxx♥

Thursday 23 June 2011

I think I'm dying...

I really do think I'm dying!!!!
My nose is all blocked up, my throat hurts and for some strange reason, everytime I swallow my ears pop!

so confused....:(

Me need sympathy....and lots of love from people♥

over and out :) xxxxxx♥

Sunday 19 June 2011

my new blog

this is just a note to tell everyone that i have another blog on this site and it's basicallly about pictures and videos that i find funny :)

heres the link:

over and out :) xxxxxxx♥

Friday 17 June 2011

Today's been fun! :)

Today has been great, and by today, i basically mean ICT this morning.
I was sat next to George and Joe and i could hear Danielle reading out my blog to the majority of the room who actually cared!! so then Joe googled me and found my blog and so did George, which is why the last couple of blogs today have been shout outs and apologies (all thanks to George taking over my computer and telling Joe that I hate him.......awkward :P)

I may be doing a lot of shout outs in the next couple of weeks because some people feel unloved, which just isn't fair to them is it???!! no, i think not ♥♥♥

sooooo, don't be shocked if the blogs seem relatively the same:)

over and out :) xxxxxx♥


sorry joe, that was all lies....i love you lots :) xxxxxxxxxx♥

over and out :) xxxxxxx ♥


second shout out for JOE!!!!!!!!!!

awwww love you joe!!!!!!!!



This is my first shout out to my friend GEORGE!!!!!!!!

so here goes.....HIYA GEORGE!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hehehee im sure you love me too...:)


over and out :) xxxxxxx♥

Friday 10 June 2011

Father's Day

Yes everyone, it's that time of year again where every child either forgets or only just notices a week before that it's Father's day and we rely on our mum's to get the presents and cards.

well not this year! I need to get them myself and I have no idea what to get :/

That can't be good.

Hopefully it will okay...I'll just have to snoop around and see what pops up and screams "Your Dad will like this, pleeeeease buy it!"
Even though that would be so cool if that actually happened in a shop, it would still be awkward if it did happen!

I'm probably going to be making a card again. even though I'm 14, Dad still wants the lovingly hand made ones from his little girl, so that's my job :D

Not only do I have Father's day to worry about, but also my Brother's Birthday and I'm terrible when it comes to buying presents for people, especially guys! At the rate it's going to be a jar of Skittle's because I know he likes them! hahaha ooh god I hope not, that would be bad on my part :P

anyways...wish me luck!

over and out :) xxxxxx♥

Thursday 2 June 2011

well..... the moment im listening to some depressing (but still truly amazing) music by the script while looking over the plan of the rest of my holidays :/ LOTS of fun ....(can you feel the sarcasm??)

im sorry, im just not feeling up to writing a decent blog today, so this is it im afraid :'(

over and out xxxxx♥

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Not much point :L

I have the rest of this week and the following week and then I'm off school again :D
yey for me!!!!
I can't wait for wit week holiday (I've got no idea why they call it wit week, but oh well).
First of all I'm going camping from the Saturday and coming back on the Monday. Then on the Tuesday my Dad is coming to pick me up and I'm going back up to Middlesbrough!!! I seriously can't wait!!!
So LOADS of fun for me then lol :)

I'm contemplating dying my's just a thought. Not completely dye it, that would be stupid I love my hair too much :L But a different coloured streak would look quite cool. There's just the small problem of school as well. As soon a I dye one streak into my hair, they'll send me home and ask me to get it out. It's a seriously stupid rule (that you can't have dye your hair a different, non natural colour, because it may affect peoples learning!!! what are we gonna do, see a blue streak of hair and become brain dead??? I don't think so!) but it "must be followed". ha ha as if I'd care lol, if i was that adamant on getting a dyed streak of hair, it would get dyed no matter what!
It would probably only last a week anyway.
I'm just that useless :D

there wasn't much point to this blog today really, oh well!

over and out :) xxxxxxx♥

Saturday 7 May 2011

It didn't go as planned...

Well that wasn't as interesting as i thought :L

My friends Sammy, Ruby, Lizzie and the boyfriend Tom all waited with me while i was waiting for my dad and Simon to come and pick me up from school. Now i thought they were waiting with me because they were nice and didn't want me waiting on my own....but oh no...the girls wanted to see my brother!!!! hahahahaha cheek of it!!!

hehehe i love them really, they know im only joking :D

So my dad pulled the car into the school car park and i went over but instead of me bringing over Tom to meet my dad, I just told him to go home lol. there was no point me dragging him all the way over to the car then sending him off after they'd had the most awkward conversation anyone could possibly ever have, so i just said
"It doesn't matter, just go home"

So he left lol, not really going as I planned haha. I think that was better though, it could have been a lot worse. dad said that he wanted to meet him and that i should have brought him over but OH WELL!!!

I'm up in middlesbrough now and Simon and Laura are coming over later to have a games night, you can't beat a good game of cards :)

over and out :) xxxxxxxx♥

Tuesday 19 April 2011

New family relations :)


My mum and dad are no longer together and my dad has moved away to middlesbrough, so every so often he comes down for the holidays to get me and bring me back up to middlesbrough.
all of his side of the family live up in middlesbrough, so i come up here to see them as well.

On the ride over from hull (which is were i live) my dad was talking and he mentioned that a few days ago he received an email from an ex girlfriend from a long time ago and she said that their SON wanted to meet his dad, which is also my dad lol :L (my dad did know about their son, but them two split up before she had him, so they never really met)
so dad was a little shocked and agreed to meet up with him, and when they met they obviously got to talking and i crept up into the conversation:
"Oh by the way, you've got a younger half-sister!"
"really?! cool! can i meet her?"
(well that's how I'm guessing the conversation went down, don't hold me too it!!)
so my dad asked me if i wanted to meet him!!! I was like:
"YHH!!!....this is sooo cool :)"
so i met him on Friday. it went pretty well i think. it must of done because they invited us to a BBQ last night (which was loads of fun) and were all off to the pictures on Thursday!!!
It's quite comical really....i came to see my dad and I'm gonna leave after seeing my BROTHER!

hahahaha my life is crazy.

over and out :) xxxxxxxx ♥

Tuesday 12 April 2011

First blog...ever!


This is my first ever blog so forgive the briefness, but hi there, I'm called Rebecca :)
Over the next few....whatever's....I'm going to post blogs about stuff that no one cares about :) 
I'm joking....I'm sure someone will notice :D
sooooo....have fun reading my blogs!!!!!