Sunday 9 December 2012

I guess it's christmas again

Yep, it's that time of year again and we all know what that means - shopping :(

I hate shopping. That's all there is too it really, I genuinely hate shopping with a passion and the worst type of shopping in my opinion is christmas shopping.

The shopping centers are full of rude, impatient people who have to try and be in every single shop at once and they push you out of way just to get in first for the queue :/ I hate it.

What I hate the most is when you can't find what you're looking for anywhere. I felt like stabbing someone the other day because I couldn't find anything on my list for christmas that I need to buy for the family.

It really is a stressful time of year is christmas :( I think I'm giving up this year.

On the upside to christmas there's....not a whole lot to be honest :/ God I'm such a grinch hahaha ;)

I don't like snow either, or the endless cold, or the low sun that's constantly in your eyes and you end up blindly walking into people and awkwardly having to apologise for walking like a zombie. Not good.

I also hate the expense of christmas, which is all nicely handled when your loaded or don't have anyone to buy for, but I unfortunately cannot tick either of those boxes. Hence why I'm quite bitter.

And everyone's so god damn happy all the time with their "christmas spirit" and I'm just sat there thinking: go away before I kill you.

See, told you I was happy person ;)

So yeah, I'm not a massive fan of christmas. I like christmas day and boxing day but the follow up just gets on my nerves. There's no need for all this media driven over reaction to a festive holiday. There really isn't.

Okay rant over ;)

Its not really christmas yet in my opinion but you'll only get offended if I don't say it so here:

Merry Christmas :)

Over and out;)xxxxxx<3

Thursday 25 October 2012

Bit of french for you monsieur?

That's right kids, gonna be in France for a few days, don't miss me too much will you? ;)

I'm going to be majorly poor afterwards because France is expensive! And mum wants me to bring her something back from Disney Land Paris :P I can't really blame her to be honest, I think I'd want something too.

Packing all of my jumpers is a must have, seen as though it may get a little chilly on our late night tour of the River Seine? Or maybe when we're strolling through the Louvre? Or quite possibly when we're breezing around the rest of the sites like the Notre Dame, Champs Elysees, Arc de Triomphe and of course the EIFFEL TOWER! I'm so excited for this trip, can you tell? :D

It's going to take about 8 hours to get from home to Dover though, then we're getting the ferry over to Calais, and then back on the coach to travel to our hotel :/ We're gonna be knackered :( But ahh well the week will be worth it ;)

Packing is a slight problem though because I'm me, as I intend to bring every single item in my wardrobe, despite the "pack lightly" suggestion....aww how naive can they be? Bless em.

I'm dragging Ruby with me (like I was gonna go without knowing anyone?) And we're sharing a room so it's going to be such a laugh. Their also suggesting not staying up too late on the night? Yeaaah that's another rule we won't be abiding by ;) They gave us all "vocab sheets" with helpful phrases that will get us through the days that we're gonna be in this foreign land;) with stuff such as: une crise cardiaque, which happily translates to having a heart attack? or how about: je me suis fait voler, which means "I've been robbed" err what do they expect we're gonna be getting up to in France? jesus this isn't Taken ;)

So yeah, busy week I guess ;) I'll try and blog while I'm in France, but if not I'll post when I get back!

Over and out... or maybe I should say "sur et dehors" ;) haha I very much doubt that's accurate, it was supplied by google translate;)xxxxxx<3

Saturday 29 September 2012


That's right guys, I'm now officially 16!!!! ARRGGGHH!!!

Yesterday, 28th September, I turned 16 at 11:33 in the morning :) (I was sat in a History lesson :P)
To celebrate this momentous occasion ;) I spent most of the day at school -_- But I got scrabbled eggs for breakfast and got to open loads of prezzies :3 Mum put in my card a big picture of Halo 4 with "I OWE YOU" in big letters above it, made me giggle :) And she also bought me Limited edition Gears of War, so I now have all of them to go with my Gears of War xbox! WOOP! And a cute iccle me to you teddy with a sweet 16 sash on it :3 So cute!

Got given a wonderful present from Chloe at school, she bought me a bottle of Impulse (which smells amazing!) and some Kinder chocolate XD nomnomnom.
My friend Beth thought she was funny by putting a durex condom in my card ;) top friend I've got there ;)

After school, Finn had arranged to take me out to the cinema and then out for a meal afterwards, but because it's us, we never managed to do that xD Were too awesome to stick to original plans.
So we ended up walking round Tesco and the rest of town, and then getting locked inside McDonalds. It was certainly memorable, I'll give you that ;) I couldn't think of a better way to spend my 16th birthday:)

And he bought me the cutest card EVER! (It was a pop up card and just aww it was soo sweet :3) and he got me some chocolate and Halo: Reach and Batman Arkham City!!! I have a feeling I have the best boyfriend in the world? Not being mushy, but I genuinely do. Much love for Finn <3

But the festivities for my sweet 16 don't end there, oh no:

I'm having a fancy dress party this evening!

It's gonna be awesome, everyone's gonna get hammered and were all gonna look really stupid doing it :D

I'm dressing up as Captain America - but the girl version obviously. The costume's called "American Dream", you should google it (It's the dress with the shield) Although I won't have the shield, I'm getting thigh high stockings instead ;) Looking smoking hot for my party? TICK ;)

Everyone's getting here at about seven-ish, but the girls always come early to get ready and the boys always come late because they won't be able to find my house :P That's just how it works I'm afraid. And everyone's bringing prezzies! That's why I love birthdays ;)

I think I might place bets on who will get completely wasted first, but to be honest that just means I'll be the one carrying them upstairs and tucking them up in my bed, hoping to god they don't throw up :/ CAN'T WAIT!

so yeah, 16 now. Legal for *cough* sex ;) Gained a new legal right, there, but with that comes a responsibility, one that people everywhere dread......

Having to pay full price on a public bus.

That's right, I am now classed as an adult on the buses in my area, but I tend to ignore responsibilities that will cost me more in the short and long term, so for as long as I can, I'm gonna pass for being a child still :) no one must know! SHHHH!

Would just like to thank everyone for my presents and birthday wishes, and in advance because I'll have to bad a hangover to write a post tomorrow, thank you for coming to my party, hope you had a great night ;)

Oh and word of warning - Don't throw up, Don't have sex in my house, and most importantly: Don't fall off the loo and pee on my floor. Comply to these very simple rules, and we'll have a very happy birthday girl :D

Over and out;)xxxxxx<3

Sunday 22 July 2012


It's finally here! It took it's time but it's finally here:)

Yep, you guessed it - The Summer Holidays!

That time of year that everybody within the educational system waits for eagerly, hoping that the term time will simply fly by and school will finish quicker than planned, just so their anticipations for the summer holidays can be fulfilled.

Unfortunately it's only 6 weeks long (a bit to short if I'm being honest) but it's 6 weeks of fun and laziness and that's good enough for me;)

My last day of school was last Friday, which I'm assuming was probably the same for a number of you, and it was rather uneventful. Nothing much happened and it wasn't even a non-uniform day. (We'd had a non-uniform on the Tuesday previously, so I suppose having two in one week may have seemed odd).

I'll never understand one thing though about breaking up for summer:

When everyone says "I'm gonna miss you!" and all that crap. I'm sorry, but no your not. If you knew me well enough to miss me, we would probably be sorting something out during the summer holidays so we could meet up, so therefore you wouldn't have to miss me, and it's only 6 weeks, so trust me; you ain't missing anyone buddy.

But other than that, SUMMER IS GOOOOD!

I don't think I have many plans, apart from the one week that I'm going on holiday with the family (and I'm dragging my best friend Sammy along as well) and were staying on our own private boat for the week! (We've basically hired a yacht that sleeps about 12 people, so everyone's chipping in so its not as expensive, were not rich - we can't afford that shit) It should be fun:) Especially because were bringing my grandmas dog and we've bought him a little doggy life jacket! it's sooooo cute:D 

I'm also hoping to go to Tribfest for the weekend with my friend Lizzie because not only will it be awesome, but our friend's band is playing so we want to see them perform. Lizzie's had the pleasure of seeing them perform live, but I unfortunately haven't so I can't wait!!! Their called Beneath the Darkness, in case you were wondering?

I'll probably be making plans with Finn as well during the 6 weeks, I don't think I'd be able to cope with not seeing him for that length of time, a weeks long enough, never mind anymore than that. He's staying over tomorrow actually, and there is a full proof "plan" which I was happily told about:

Basically, he's gonna bring down his xbox so there will be TWO xbox's in the house, and then hes bringing his Guitar Hero - Warriors of Rock and he'll be playing on it in one room and I'll be on mine in then other, and then we'll join a party with his mates Lewis and Casey and we'll all be playing on guitar hero and rocking out, jut so we can get all the appropriate band achievements needed:) I'm gonna be on Expert Guitar, Finn will be on Drums, Lewis on Bass and Casey singing (Hahaha, that should be funny, I've been told singing is NOT his forté). 

I have most of the Guitar Hero's, a few of the Rockband's (including Green Day!) and the Band Hero's as well. I can play on expert mode on every instrument and I'm awesome:D (I'm only big headed about it because it's practically the only game I actually play on - that and all the Halo's, and occasionally Gears of War)

Oh yeah, may have forgot to mention - Girl Gamer over here! Hence why I'm the perfect girlfriend;) - I doubt Finn will agree but ah well;)

I get my love for gaming from my mum (yep, another gamer girl) who passed on her gaming knowledge to her ever-loving daughter, who welcomed the opportunity to develop the awesomeness that is me;)

I remember my mum telling me once that a friend of hers (I don't remember his name) had said that she was bringing up the ultimate nerds girlfriend, because I'm a gamer, I love all the action movies (hate ALL chick flicks), I watch all the "guy" TV shows and I LOVE the Marvel and DC comics (as in I watch the films and I'll have watched the TV shows etc. I don't actually read the comics though, so I may have to invest in some...) And I'm cute apparently, so there's a bonus;)

Two of my top five favourite films of all time is The Avengers (I paid extra to see the advanced screening when it came out in cinema and I took my mum to see it for her birthday - VIP seating as well;) I've seen it twice since then) and the second one is the latest Star Trek. Chris Pine is nomnom, Just saying. But then again, so is Zackary Quinto. I can't wait for the new one that's coming out next year, I'm such a Trekkie sometimes;)

I hope that all the hard work my mum clearly put into creating the ultimate nerd's/gamer's girlfriend is fully appreciated by my boyfriend;) I'm sure it is:P

....I've just noticed that this post has slowly deteriorated and lost all of it's molecular structure, that is to say, I waffled:)

So I guess that's it for now;) hope you all have a good summer holiday:D

Over and out;)xxxxxx<3

Tuesday 17 July 2012


we hate each other (not really, its just banter:P) so i suppose a happy birthday is in order? so here goes:


you will never read this, but it was Chloe's idea :)

In other news.....I'M STILL GINGER AND I'M AWESOME. just letting you know (oh and by the way, Chloe just "had" me apparently? good times)

This is been written during business studies, because were all nerds and have finished our work early ;) win for nerdom ;)

short one for today folks,

over and out;)xxxxxx<3

Tuesday 19 June 2012


Yep, I've decided - exams are mean.

They gang up on you and attack you with evilness and force you to revise so much that you can hear your xbox screaming "play me, play meeee!" And you feel horrible for leaving it unplayed, its like you can feel the tears pouring from the disc tray :'(

And another point, exams make you tired. I've had three in the last week, two on the same day (and it was a friday - anticipations of staying up late and actually ENJOYING the weekend were thrashed as I fell asleep by eleven).

Exams are also mean because revision has led Finn to be locked inside his house, unable for me to see him! (okay maybe not locked in as such, but we can't see each other until next wednesday - the day of our last exam - which is hard because I miss him). If we didn't have exams, there wouldn't be this problem :(

So yeah, exams are mean. Maybe I should blame the government for making me take the exams, rather than the exams themselves? Its not as if its their fault that they're being taken?

Right then, new policy - the Government is mean!

There going to charge me £25 to resit an exam and I have to resit a minimum of two exams, even if I don't need to, thus resulting in me paying £50 to resit two exams, one of which I've already passed. Where's the logic? Cause I sure as hell can't find it.

This is why I should have stuck with my plans to go into politics, the country would be a better place with me in charge, especially because I'm ginger;)

Quick news update:
Finn actually has credit! (I know, we're all still in shock) so hes been texting me random pictures of things and I just received one of a massive spider he found in his room -_- I don't like spiders, so my text back was "HOLY FUCKING CHRIST RUN" cause I'm straight to the point like that:)
Dad and Carole got married at the weekend! Dad took her name so they are now Mr and Mrs Falconbridge! It was a great day, although I was knackered after all the dancing at the reception:D and everybody looked gorgeous, especially Carole, her dress was beautiful, and the bridesmaids all looked lovely:)

That's about it then folks, over and out;)xxxxxx<3

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Anxiety levels: Defcon 1?

I'm currently in fear for tomorrow as I have my french speaking exam and I haven't memorised any of it and I'm probably going to screw it up? Great....

My french teacher on the other hand thinks I'll do splendidly well and I have no need to worry! easy for her to say, she's fluent in french -_-

short one today guys, cause I'm in a ranting mood but don't have the time

over and out;)xxxxxx<3

Tuesday 10 April 2012


That's right folks, I've got a boyfriend:D and to be perfectly honest with you, he's amazing:') <3 (and gorgeous, just saying)

He's called Finn and he doesn't actually attend the same school as me, which has its massive downside but small upside-

Downside: we cant see each other all the time, only at weekends and the bus (sorry Finn, "peasant wagon") is at stupid times for me to catch it into town:( but neverless, i'll catch it:)

Upside: when you both attend the same school rumours are spread, people get involved, it gets messy and you eventually break up:( if you take those factors away, nothing (in theory) can go wrong:D

He has an IQ of 151 (he enjoys telling everyone he meets about that and I'm sure he'd bring it up in every conversation if he could xD) which means my boyfriend is the ultimate nerd;) can't go wrong with that can I?

We're into an abundance of the same stuff: films; TV shows; music etc...which I think makes the relationship that little bit more awesome:)

If you're reading this Finn, I'm sure you're checking or spelling and grammatical mistakes, which I can assure you there will probably be plenty of them:P I apologise in advance as I'm using my phone to write this;) hahaha, we're such nerds;D

Oh and by the way guys - happy easter!!! :D

Over and out;)xxxxxx<3

Friday 30 March 2012

Chilling in IT like a boss;)

Well today is the last day of the easter term and it's second lesson on a friday so I'm currently in IT with Sammy and Ruby. At the moment their spamming my previous posts with awkward comments which I'll have the pleasant task of reading later -_- greeeaat...thanks guys.

In wedding land, the bridesmaid dress that i posted is no longer the one im actually going to wear, theres another dress on the website that looks better (still yellow though) and their getting hand made by a member of the family. It'e knee length at the front and hits the the floor at the back, empire line with a straight hemline and one small strap that goes over my left shoulder. My hair's going to be pulled over to one side, with a grip on the other. That's instead if a tiara or a wedding style head band, because if you wear a headband/tiara you can litrally feel it sqeezing your brain cells out, so that option was rightfully overlooked.

I have a French Speaing exam coming up when I get back after easter, so that should be a bundle of laughs :/ I have a feeling I'm going to possibly fail? I hate speaking exams, but this is in another language, just to top it all off! I really Can't wait until the end of next year, then I can leave and no more exams for me:D

Going to give a shout out to Sammy and Ruby, as at the moment their on a slogon maker and typing in our names and were laughing our heads off at the stuff that comes up :P seriously hilarious stuff, clearly no productive work is happening here ;D

oh, and happy easter:) <3

over and out;)xxxxxx<3

Sunday 15 January 2012

Its been a while....

Hey:) ino its a been a say bout 3 maybe 4 months? Mmm awkward:/
A few things have happened since my last post. I got a boyfriend during the week of my last blog:) it only lasted 6 weeks but were still good friends, which is always a bonus:) ive realised who im madly in love with but cant do anything about coz id be naive to think that he likes me in that way:/ sounds extremely childish but at 15, im still aloud;)

my mum has a boyfriend!!! and my dads marrying carole!!! very HUGE bits of news from both sides of the parental grid xD I also found out im going to be a bridesmaid for them!! My dress looks GORGEOUS!!! not even jokin, its lovely:D its daffodil yellow, which scares me slightly coz im ginger? Quite certain I dont own anything yellow to test if it looks okay:P im sure it'll be simply gorgeous tho;)
im gonna put a picture of the dress from the website on here:')

Carrie and jonathon from next door (oh yeah, we moved into sue's house coz she moved in with her boyfriend in northallerton and needed a tennant) are getting married as well this year, in october:)
this years deffinately gonna be a busy one: dads 40 this year, (pahahahaha;)) dad and caroles weddin in june, im 16 this year!!!!!! And carrie and jonnathan are gettin married in october;)

other stuff that happened: There was also christmas obviously, which was fabulous because on top of all the arty stuff I got, the make up, the music, the jewelry, the perfume, the massive amount of chocolate/sweets and a pair of Monster pj's (from the muppets?) I also got an .......XBOX 360 WITH THE KINECT!!!!!!! Hehehehehe:') its amazing, I cant describe how awesome it is to say "I have an xbox" haha im easily pleased;)
from my dad and everyone I got a £100 voucher for miss selfridges (omg! xD) a £100 voucher for Cult (omgomgomg!) A diamond ring, some smellies and a selection box:) to spend my money, me and my friend ruby went to york on the train and I bought a superdry coat (£85??!!) And a new outfit for lizzies party:D happy spending:P

Thats bout it really;) if theres anything else im sure i'll write a new post:) p.s. new year was good fun, I went to the shakespeare pub in hedon where my aunty soo works.(the boss lets me in even tho im under 18:P)

Hahahaa I think thats it now xD

Over and out;)xxxxxxx<3